Saturday, December 17, 2005

This is a democracy?

President Clinton lied about his sex life and got impeached.

This guy lied about why we went to Iraq, he won't get us out of Iraq (but that's another rant), he's instructed people to be spied on in many aspects of daily life in the name of Patriotism (which, of course, is something we were trying to 'free' the Iraquis from), he had to be goaded by a member of his own party to enact an anti-torture act, he basically denies that Global Warming even happens; and Nothing? No retribution? Unbelievable.

Don't get me wrong, I still loathe and despise the idiot, but now in addition to the anger, I feel so sad that our country is in his hands, and so nauseated to think that some people still defend his actions and refuse to admit he is anything less than perfect.

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