Thursday, December 20, 2007

Cats are Vile

If only I'd faked an allergy when Craig and I first started dating.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Spelling is easy, it's the TH sound that's hard.

I was getting coats out of the closet to take Ainslie to school and she comes running to me, yelling, "Mommy, Mommy, I spelled a real word on the 'frigerator! Come see! I spelled Fot! F-O-T! I sounded it out all by myself! F-O-T! Fot!"

So, I go running to see, and sure enough, there it is, "Fot."

I had to ask.

After getting all excited and telling her how proud I was of her sounding out words all by herself--I HAD to know.

"What's "Fot" Honey?"

"FOT--you know, a fot!"

(giggle) "No, Mom, not fawt. Fot. Like when I'm finking about somefing."

So, all the way to school, I tell her how smart she is and what a good speller she is--she spelled it JUST like it sounds!

Then, I have to push it."Ainslie--what would you change if you wanted to spell, "got?"

(giggle) "Oh, Mom, that's not a real word!"

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Gloria In Excelsis Deo! Again!

Ainslie's antics today in Penney's made me think of this post from 2 years ago.

I was returning some curtains and buying some window hardware, and she was running from curtain display "house" to house. She was also shouting, "Glory to God in the Highest! Glory to God in the Highest!"

Now, there is a screaming three-year old moment that nobody in these parts is going to give a withering stare!

I can't wait to see the preschool Christmas program next week!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Cart Ride

While grocery shopping yesterday, I was unabashedly singing along with the Christmas music. (Does anyone else do this?) Oooh, oooh, one of my favorites--Sleigh Ride!

10 minutes later, while perusing the frozen foods, Ainslie added a new verse.

Giddyup, Giddyup, my leg is cold!

I'm still giggling about it.