Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Finally, someone wrote a song with my name in it.

You know, there really aren't any songs talking about how cool or wonderful Carla is. There's Amanda, Sarah, Rhiannon, etc, but no Carla. Well, Ainslie has fixed that, sort of.

She is still on a big Veggie Tales kick. Dawn (or before) to dusk, it's Broccoli, broccoli, broccoli. She knows Bob and Larry and will now say them by name, but overall, it's Broccoli. She sings the theme song too:

To break things up a bit, I started substituting other words, like:
Ainslie Jane
Ainslie Jane
She's my girl,
Ainslie Jane

Ok, it doesn't rhyme, but after so many verses of Broccoli, you get desperate.
So, this morning, driving to Office Depot I get this:

Mommy girl,
Mommy girl,
Mommy girl,
Mommy girl!

Aw shucks, kiddo.

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