Wednesday, December 07, 2005

How Many Fingerfuls in a Teaspoon?

I thankfully found out this morning, that there are many, many fingerfuls (or is that fingersful?) of Vick's Vaporub in a teaspoon. You see, after catching Ainslie going back for what I hope was only the second fingerful of the stuff in the humidifier well, I ran downstairs, typed "toddler ingest Vicks" into Google and got scared to death. Did you know that even small amounts of ingested camphor can kill a person? So, I posted for help on PALP, then called the doctor and poison control. Apparently, this is a fairly common occurence in the winter time...although there will be no more Vapo with Ainslie's steamed air. So, "if she ate less than a teaspoon she should be fine."

Well, a teaspoon doesn't seem like much to me. I could easily fit a teaspoon of say, peanut butter, on my finger. So--I grabbed Ainslie and a measuring spoon, went back upstairs, grabbed the offending tub of Vick's and started swiping. Phew. After several swipes, I wasn't even close to filling the teaspoon. I wish my hair would turn back now, and I hope I can get those 10 years added back on to my life.

I turned my back for a second.

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