Thursday, October 09, 2008

Stream-of-Conciousness Political Ranting

Why is it that conservatives can bash Obama, but an Obama supporter can’t point out a discrepancy or outright lie told by the McCain/Palin ticket without being accused of bullying? My own theory is that Obama/Biden supporters, as a group (and we are a large group) are just so darned enthusiastic about our guys and the message they bring, that those who are not “drinking the kool-aid” are feeling a little left out of the election excitement. Obama supporters have been excited since 2004, while many who will ultimately vote for McCain had a harder time getting on board that train.

Until he chose Sarah Palin for a running mate.

You know, I tried to like Gov. Palin, initially. In the interest of saying something nice, yes, I think she is street-savvy, and yes I think she is attractive. As a potential leader of this country, I think she is dangerous. She has proven herself time and time again to be grossly incompetent on matters of foreign policy and the economy. While she managed not to completely fall on her face in the VP debate, it was obvious that she had talking points prepared on some key issues, but if pressed, she couldn’t fully answer many of the questions.

But she’s so down-to-earth. She gets Joe Six-Pack.

Pllllease. I don’t want to be called Joe Six-Pack. In fact, I find it offensive. Further, I don’t want the potential leader of the US to be just a regular hockey-mom down the block. I want her or him to be the best, brightest, most-informed, best-traveled US citizen we have. Does this mean he or she has to have a fancy law degree? Of course not, but I feel a “heckuva” (winking at Gov. Palin) lot better having someone in charge who had the gumption to get into a Fancy Law School despite the fact that he did not come from great wealth or from a family with a long history of post-secondary education.

To me, Living the American Dream is better represented by someone who rose from a difficult childhood to achieve an elite education and came back to serve some of the neediest citizens in our land, than by a pretty girl who backed into the Alaska governor’s office and then, in a political mindtrick, was selected as a VP candidate.

And yet, to some, I am unpatriotic, disrespectful, and/or sexist for having this opinion.

This country remains bitterly divided, politically speaking, something I attribute freely to the Current Occupant. I know John McCain is not GWB, just as I know that Bill Clinton hasn’t run for president since 1996 (this one was hard for a lot of conservative voters who seemed to think he was on the ballot these past two elections.) I also know that try as McCain might to distance himself from the train wreck that is the current administration, he has, more often than not, voted in line with GWB’s agenda. That is not ok.

Snarkiness aside, if this country elects McCain, we deserve whatever fate befalls us.


Anonymous said...


annie said...

Geez, I couldn't agree with you more, Carla! Sarah is a slap in the face to American women!

And just this week I've had REPUBLICANS pushing agendas *gasp!* with nasty nasty emails.

I thought we were the ones that did that??

Anonymous said...

Did you know...She attended *THREE* academic institutions [of no report] before managing to secure some sort of degree???

I agree, she is both attractive and dangerously incompetent. A brilliant and unexpected strategic move on the Republicans part. SP *is* a slap on the face of American women. How could any self-respecting woman support a candidate who's tag line has become "Drill Baby Drill"???

I'm sure the women who fought for our right to vote would be *so proud* right now. NOT!

If any was a time for the democrats to put the infighting aside and stick together as a collective whole - It's Now.