Sunday, January 01, 2006

Potty chair 0, Alphabet 2

All the way home from K-Mart, we talked about the Potty Chair and how we were going to use it. We talked about the Dora underpants we would consider buying next time we went to the store, we even called Grammie from the car to tell her about Boppy Chair. When it comes to toilet training, Ainslie seems to be more about theory than action. We’ll keep trying. She likes to sit on it, on the floor (we got the 3-in-1 thing), fully clothed. Maybe in a few days we’ll work up to sitting on it with her pants off.

Meanwhile, this past week I resolved to teach her 2 letters and their sounds each week. She has completely mastered A and B! Yay! Ask her what A is for and she will tell you it is for Neenee and bapple! B is for Baby, bubbles and bath! She will pick them out of her Letter Factory magnets (best toy ever) and…ok, this was a TOTAL fluke, but she asked me to draw a B on her magnadoodle, so I did, distractedly, and upside down, then I told her to draw one (I was folding laundry and not really totally engaged) LOOK AT THIS:

Mine is the big one (remember I was doing it upside down, my penmanship is somewhat better usually ;-) ) but HOLY COW—she drew the one inside it! Of course I kept asking her to draw more Bs and of course this was a fluke, but I am still so amazed.

So, I figure, at least when she does learn to potty, she can read to herself.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Amazing what our girls can do! WTG Ainslie!!!! I caught Kate teaching the alphabet to her dog-cousin over the holidays. It was a hoot??? She'd say to Mudge, the dog 'ots this? and then she'd show the dog a letter and say "L"... moving to the next was so funny!

But as in your house, the potty chair, it's fun, she has accomplished to pee there a few times but mostly, a conversation piece.

We are having fun!!!!