Monday, May 21, 2007

I think we're ok

Me: Ainslie, later this week, on Friday, we are going to the big kids' school. You get to play for awhile--I'll be there too--and a teacher is going to play with you and maybe ask you some questions, ok?

Ainslie: Ok. What are we going to play?

Me: Well, I'm not sure, but probably lots of things. Can you try everything for the teacher, just so she can see whether you can do it? Like, if she asks you to stack some blocks, can you just show her how?

Ainslie: Ok. I'll stack them all the way to the light!

Me: Great! Thank you! If she asks you questions, you can answer her, ok? Like, if she asks your favorite things to play, or eat, or your favorite stories, you can tell her, ok?

Ainslie: Ok. Let's pretend that you are the teacher and we are there right now.

Me: Ok. Hi, I'm Mrs. Wilson. What is your name?

Ainslie: My name is Ainslie. Ainslie Jane Wilson. I live on Eagle Ridge, Chatham Illinois.

Me: Well, it's nice to meet you. Ainslie, what do you like to play?

Ainslie: I just LOVE to stack blocks! It's so amazing!

Yeah. I think we're ok.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Yep... more than Okay. Brilliant I say!!!!