The rules state that you post something that goes sort of like this:
Real Mothers blah blah blah. And then add a photo. (or maybe not).
The blah blah blah length is at your discretion.
You know, Real Mothers (ok, most mothers) do a lot of crap.
I'm going to go with this one--
Real Mothers carry on conversations as fictional characters and then analyze the lives of fairy-tale princesses, post-fairy tale. With people not old enough to have developed strong logic skills.
Exhibit A
Date: April 27
Time: Evening
All around the neighborhood on the new bike, as Wendy and Mrs. Darling, speaking in really horrible British accents.
"Motha, do you think I can fly with pixie dust on my new bike? Do you think I can fly all the way back to Neverland?"
"Of course, Wendy, dear, if you think enough happy thoughts, you can fly anywhere." (I may have gotten this flying method confused with Mary Poppins, but she bought it. Same accent, anyway.)
Exhibit C
Date: April 24
Time: All. Flipping. Morning. In. The. Car. Driving. To. Chicago.
Ainslie was Ariel. Everything she talked about had to do with Ariel, and her worldview. I had to have some fun, so I asked her if she ever sees her father or sisters anymore. Of course she does! She meets them-- in a boat!
What about Flounder? Did she just write him off?
Of course not! He lives in the sea, right beside her castle!
Does she ever dream about being a mermaid again? Does she have recurring dreams about not being able to breathe the air above the surface.
And, she told Scuttle that it's not a dinglehopper, it's a fork.
Exhibit C, D, E...Z
Date: Almost Daily
Time: Any time we are in public
"What's your name? My name is (fill in the Princess.)"
Cinderella takes the mice to live with her, Snow White occasionally visits the dwarves, and Aurora does not like being called Briar Rose, in case you were wondering.

I just have to add, as sort of an Honorable Mention list, that Real Mothers also wear small ponytail holders around their fingers, carry toddler sized underpants through airport security, sing The Potty Song in the grocery store, and fall into bed, exhausted most nights. Often, on top of some small, sharp, plastic toy.
I. Love. It. All of it. I love being the girly girls' mum. I love having friends with kids who love the girly things. I love the pony tail band on my wrist. All of it. I love all of it.
AH, she is princess through and through... (types this Real Mom as I sit here with a laundry basket on my head, playing the "bad guy" to Bug's "Mountie" aka policeman here in Canada) and I love that you play along with her. That is my favorite real Mom thing too. Usually, I'm Jesus to her whatever, which makes playing the bad guy this very minute even harder! Ariel rocks!!!
Oh, and so does her MOM!!!!
Should I know this potty song? Is that why my "princess" isnt potty trained?
My short real mother story is crawling into a toddler bed every night to sing the "Ants" song.
Holly, I will bring you the dvd. I'm not sure it did any good, but the song at the end cracks me up--in more ways than one! :-)
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