Thursday, March 01, 2007

So happy and relieved!

We are officially homeless for a few more hours. Never thought I'd be happy about that!
Just spoke with one of the WONDERFUL people at WaMu and she has everything just about ready for our 4pm closing. YAY! 13 days ago, the mad rush began.

In a few short hours we will own a nice, modern, spacious house in a good school district, close to family, and with a smaller mortgage! YAY! God IS Good. ;-)

I can't wait for Ainslie to get here and see her new room. I've put off ordering a headboard (I'm considering making her one...) but I got her a bedframe, quilt, blanket, and of course she has her princess sheets (plus I found a nice match-the- blanket set at Kohls for--get this--$4.50! Thank you, clearance!) I'm hoping she'll love her new purple room.

Things will continue to be crazy at least until the 21st, but then they should calm down a wee bit, at least I won't have to travel after that (fingers crossed), and really, that's only three weeks.

Which reminds me, it's March! Happy Birthday Luke, Kaitlyn, Ashley, Lauren...hope I'm not forgetting anyone! You know what's great about March? Ah, the first day of Spring! I am a dyed-in-the-wool Midwesterner, but oh how I abhor winter.

Another great thing about March is that in 2 weeks we are going to see the Princesses on Ice. Oh, I just can't wait to see Ainslie's face! Who would ever have thought Craig and I would be so excited to go to one of these?

All in all, things are looking UP. Hopefully there will be no more whining from me for awhile.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Oh your post left me all warm and fuzzy which is just what I needed, my friend. Purple is perfect. THe house sounds perfect for you and I am so thankful that everything has worked out. God is GOOD all the time.

Happy Settling in!!!!