Friday, April 07, 2006

Random Ainslie Updates and Stories

This girl cracks me up. As we were driving to Missouri 2 weeks ago, she slept all of 40 minutes out of 8 hours. The rest of the time she talked. And sang. We ALL know our ABCs now. We also know that someday we will go on an airplane with Baby Ben to see Bo Bite and Pooh Bear. We also discussed the intricacies of birthday parties, which has been a popular conversation ever since 1. we made cupcakes for my mom's birthday and 2. It was Boots' birthday on Dora. We will each have 2 blue "butcakes" and sit in chairs. Ainslie will sit in a chair. Daddy will sit in a chair. Baby Ben will sit in a chair. Etc.

Who knew a Veggie Tales dvd could be such a diverse learning aid? Not only has King George and the Ducky taught us that selfishness is wrong, the Silly Song with Larry has uncovered a latent but prevalent interest in manatees. We look at the "amatees" on the computer at least once a day. Where do manatees live? Swimming!

I think it was Suzi who wrote something to the effect of you know when your child is approaching two because she is in a perpetually bad mood. Uh, yeah. Don't get me wrong, she is still usually so easy and fun, but the, "NO, MINEs" and the "NomommynomommynomommyNOs" will get to you.

A fire hydrant is a "lilypeepeepottymikepeepeepotty." In case this makes no sense to you, I once told her not to touch hydrants because doggies go potty on them.

She has learned to take most articles of clothing off. Not much luck getting them back on.

She loves dancing and movement songs/games. She sometimes will arrange her Little People in a circle and sing, "ashes, ashes, we all fall down!" We usually have a family dance party in the kitchen as we clean up after dinner.

I am amazed at her mind. She puts so many more things together and figures things out more than I expect her to. And the memory! She remembers everything--there is no way you can promise her something and then not deliver, she will call you out on it. If you tell her before her nap we will do something later, she wakes up asking for it. She remembers taking her shoes off in the airport when she flew in October!

She knows all her shapes (including trapezoid and pentagon) and colors, and she will include color and number in her description of nouns. She uses verbs and prepositions almost all the time now. She knows most of her letters and sounds and she counts to 10--and she actually counts objects.

In short, Ainslie is perfect.

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