Tuesday, February 07, 2006

On the Right Path

Do you ever have periods of your life when you feel you are Being Led? It's funny, me quitting my job was scary, but little monetary "good things" kept happening. I got a ton of consulting work last summer, then we got a sizeable escrow refund...then the crap hit the fan a few weekends ago up to and including Craig losing his job. BUT, again, I have some great-paying work, Craig is free to stay with Ainslie, we are getting a REFUND from the IRS (which has never happened in our married lives), and we are planning to move to Springfield.

I have so much to do to get this house ready, especially if Craig starts a job soon (he's already got 1 interview!) and I can't even start until March because I'm just not home, but I don't feel overwhelmed; I feel strangely energized.

I think we are on the right track here. I think we are making the choices we are supposed to make. Like my friend Tammy, I am re-reading the Mitford series, and oddly, I find facets of the story speaking directly to me. Phillipians 4:13, for Pete's sake!


Tammy said...

For Pete's sake is right! It sounds like we're living parallel lives right now... house on the market, moving, new job(s), all the while lovin' our little miracles. Glad I came here today... I need the reminder to rejoice! Hoping for best for your family Carla!

Gnomey said...

The Mitford Series? I've never heard of it... Off to check Amazon...

(((((Hugs))))) - I'm glad everything feels right - I believe in that, too...