Thank you, J.K. Rowling. Thank you for a piece of literature that will truly be with me always (I've already had HPDH dreams!)
I could go on and on and on and on and on and on about all the many things I think are so outstanding about the Harry Potter series, but last night while I was out for a run, I was thinking about all the people who say Harry is evil. How on earth can they think that? Especially when all the loose ends come together?
First of all, this is not a religious book. It is not trying to be a religious book at all. That said, since it is essentially about the struggle for good to overcome evil, it is quite easy to find religious allegory.
Especially in the end.
Stop reading here if you are avoiding Book 7 spoilers.
Several things save Harry Potter. One of these things is the protection his mother gave him as she sacrificed herself for him almost 17 years prior. This in itself, as a mother, makes me cry. Any of the mothers I know would do the same; we love our children with such a ferocity that it seems a given that that love should stay with them,
in them, even after we are gone.
This same protection is one of the key factors in bringing down Voldemort. Due to his own hubris, Voldemort had also protected Harry, to a point, from death at his hands. Thus,
blood, sacrificed through love, saved Harry, and also gave him the means to defeat Lord Voldemort. Non-Christian themes?
If they still think it's so evil, ah well, more copies for the rest of us!
Now I have to re-read and re-read and cross-reference and oh, Harry--how I will miss knowing even more of you, but I am so happy to Know what happened!