Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Catching my breath

Today was my last day of teaching for the quarter, and I'm not teaching next quarter--YAY! Of course, I still have a zillion papers to grade, but I'm breathing a nice sigh of relief.

Still lots of work on the other project, plus, you know, hosting Christmas and all, but whoohoo--what freedom to not have to be somewhere, dressed up, in the middle of my other jobs.

Amazing how much better I feel!

I've also been trying to let more things go--and finding just a tiny bit of success. When did I develop a Bree complex? New picture for the Christmas card? Nah--I'm using one from the Gap contest that I liked. Letter for the Christmas card? Nah--most people know what's going on with me anyway. Make my own cards? Not this year!

Anyway, I'm just rambling. I should be reading a zillion gb file to discuss with the client on Thursday, but, you know, I'm trying to slow down a bit.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

GOOD FOR YOU!!!! ANd yes, I'm yellin!!! Because even though I haven't posted on your post about how you're feeling, I can so relate to that struggle. I haven't been feeling myself lately either, actually for a really long time. And I'm learning to let go of things, slowly but surely. And it feels good. And I am so glad to see you posting! I miss you!