Friday, April 04, 2008

Catch-up, Bullet-Point style

  • Ainslie and Caroline were on the news a couple weeks ago --there was a camera crew covering American Girl day at story time. Ainslie has no clue about American Girl (for now--Yippeee!) but there are nice shots of both girls.

  • Soccer is hilarious. The first game was postponed tonight because of soggy fields. All for the best. Despite the excitement, I'm not sure a single kid on the team knows what "game" means, as opposed to what they do in practice. Next week should be warmer anyway.

  • I'm teaching next quarter! Two classes! Hooray and Hallelujah!

  • Finally got a video camera. Look for lots of obnoxious videos involving soccer tykes.

  • Got five inches cut off my hair a few weeks ago. Loving it.

Is this all? I guess I'm not nearly as interesting as I'd like to think!

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