Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Q is for Diva

Today was Ainslie's Leader Day, which meant she got to bring the snack, bring an item for Show & Tell (her camera), change the numbers on the calendar, and be the Weather Lady. Big Day!

Today's theme was "Q is for Questions." We thought and thought (and polled the HS board) for semi-nutritious snacks that could be dropped off 2 hours before snack time that began with Q. All I could find was Quaker Quakes, which are flavored rice cakes, and since I want Ainslie's friends to like me, we went with Cheezits and apple slices.

At pick-up, she told me she was "exhausted." Mrs. L mentioned that may be because during Center Time, Ainslie sang and danced every song from Annie. Who knew they had a Musical Theatre center? So much for painting!

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