Monday, February 04, 2008

In a nutshell

December 20 was a long time ago.

I still believe cats are vile. With every fiber of my being.

Other than vile cats, things have been busy! Christmas was wonderful and the 26th, Ainslie and I took off to LS to "bring the mountain to Mohammad." Besides a great visit with Grammie and Grampie, I got to see/meet Cathy, Tammy, and their cute kiddos AND play with my friend since dirt, Heater Mo Has. It was almost like Christmas break during college, except that now I'm old.

Two weeks later, Ainslie got to go back to Grammie and Grampie's while Craig and I went on a cruise. Bliss. Warm, sunny bliss. The only dark cloud was that we missed Ainslie--she would have LOVED this cruise. There was a parade every night with dancing in the 'street.' We are planning to take her next year.

Back home, it was nice to get back into our routine--until--Ainslie and I got a nasty stomach virus. I have not been this sick since 1986. I think Craig was a little freaked out, since he has never known me to really be sick. Thankfully (and miraculously), he didn't catch it, and was able to take care of us.

In Ainslie news, she is obsessed with Annie. She wants to be Annie, and "sing on a stage--not just steps like at school and church--a really big (dramatic pause) ... STAGE." I love this kid. She may look more like Craig, but on the inside, she has her mommy's dramatic heart.

While in LS, she gave my very Republican parents a civics lesson. "We vote for Barack Obama because he's the good guy. Did you know I'm going to be President when I grow up? Well, I'm going to be *everything* when I grow up, you know."

This went over much better than the time she informed my Bushie dad that "George Bush is mean and he tells lies." It may be the truth, but diplomacy, Kiddo, diplomacy.

Speaking of voting, I am all atwitter for Super Tuesday tomorrow. I have taken Ainslie to vote with me every time since she's been here. It gets me all choked up to explain the process to her. She is looking forward to going tomorrow also. We'll go before preschool and I'll get her her own sticker. We'll wear red, white and blue. (Of course I'll be wearing my "January 20, 2009" shirt. It's getting close!) We got books about voting and the Statue of Liberty at the library today. I forgot the Super Bowl was on this weekend, but I'll be tuned in to the results tomorrow!

That's about it for us. Go vote tomorrow!

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