Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Spelling is easy, it's the TH sound that's hard.

I was getting coats out of the closet to take Ainslie to school and she comes running to me, yelling, "Mommy, Mommy, I spelled a real word on the 'frigerator! Come see! I spelled Fot! F-O-T! I sounded it out all by myself! F-O-T! Fot!"

So, I go running to see, and sure enough, there it is, "Fot."

I had to ask.

After getting all excited and telling her how proud I was of her sounding out words all by herself--I HAD to know.

"What's "Fot" Honey?"

"FOT--you know, a fot!"

(giggle) "No, Mom, not fawt. Fot. Like when I'm finking about somefing."

So, all the way to school, I tell her how smart she is and what a good speller she is--she spelled it JUST like it sounds!

Then, I have to push it."Ainslie--what would you change if you wanted to spell, "got?"

(giggle) "Oh, Mom, that's not a real word!"

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Wow!!!! What a brilliant little lady! That is amazing Carla. Kate has the same trouble with TH and F as well right now. What a sweet story. You know, Miss Ainslie's gonna love you even more someday (or not, lol!) because you wrote all this down.