Friday, October 19, 2007

Chewing and chewing and chewing

Week 4 of 10 of this quarter teaching...
Week 4 of 8 of the LifeKeys class at church (that I volunteered to help with a looong time ago, not knowing when it was actually happening)
Week ? of ? of a nice juicy project
Preschool, dance, and gymnastics (oh, my!)

I've taken a big ol' bite.

Right now, Monday night Ainslie goes to dance, I go to teach.
Tuesday, we have preschool, then Ainslie has lunch with Grampa while I teach, then I go back to teach at night.
Wednesday morning we have gymnastics.
Thursday is a repeat of Tuesday, except that we have LifeKeys and Ainslie plays with her beloved Ms. L in the church nursery--then we race home to try to catch The Office. :-)

Meanwhile, I'm working (training) more than usual, and next week it's going to start being a lot more.

It's good. I like being busy. I like that Christmas and the dining room furniture are covered.
It's too much. I hate grading 80 papers a week. Craig is pitching in, but the house is...not up to anybody's standards.
It's only 10 weeks (at least for teaching these three sections), and it's nearly half over. A person can do anything for 6 weeks, right?

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