Friday, September 28, 2007

I love this kid

After a harrowing no-nap day with my husband in Chicago and no break from the constant chatter, Ainslie and were finally snuggled together in her bed, and she wanted to read.

She can read a few words. I wouldn't say she'll be into War and Peace any time soon, but she can read a few words and I just love that electric spark that goes through us both when she really, really reads a new word. It's just magical!

Anyway, you know how those 'learn-to-read' books have rhymes and pictures so the kids can figure out what the words are? Well, this page was different. It said,
"Some kids play music and
some kids play sports."

She's getting "kids" and "play" out of all of this, and yes, this is largely because of the repetition within the book, BUT--she asked, "Mom, what's a sport?"

My response was that a sport is a game or activity where you use your body, like soccer, gymnastics, baseball...

"...or quidditch?"

YES, like quidditch! I love my daughter!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Ainslie is so funny!!! But I must say, you need to post more... I come here dying for an Ainslie fix and nothin', lol!