Wednesday, July 05, 2006

In Honor of Jacob

It keeps hitting me. Something is terribly wrong today. A friend whom I’ve never met in person, yet feel so much love and empathy for, is going through the worst thing I can imagine today, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. This isn’t one of those “oh, how horrible” things that you hear about and then forget, this is truly the most frightening and incredibly unfair ordeal I’ve ever had a friend experience.

The only reason I’m even writing about this today is because I feel I must somehow mark the day, although nothing I write will come anywhere close to expressing the grief I feel, and the overwhelming darkness of days I know are to come for her and her husband.

Saying “I’m sorry” sounds so woefully inadequate. “It’s God’s will” isn’t what anyone wants to hear today. I honestly don’t think there are words that can make it even a little bit better today. Maybe in days to come, but not today. There simply are no words.

Jules and Brian, I hold your sorrow as my own as you welcome sweet Jacob Daniel briefly into this world, as you hold him and love him, and wipe your tears. If love could fix it, he would be healthy and whole and with you the rest of your life.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

You are right. There are no words. My heart is broken for them as well. Honoring Jacob with you...