Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Home is where you live with your own little family.

You never really know what you have until it's gone. So true. I never realized how much I love my bath mat. It's just a plain purple rectangle, but now that I don't have it, I miss it. Same goes for my favorite morning coffee mugs, my outdoor furniture, and my dresser, in which I have 4 luxurious drawers all to myself.

Living with other people, even other people who love us and have bent over backward to make us comfortable, is wearing thin. My phone just rang with an agent wanting to show our house. PLEASE let this be it! It's not that we are unhappy, it's just, well...we need our own house. I want to plan paint colors. I want to lovingly decorate each room. I want to get into a routine in our new town and start to put down roots and make some friends. It's just harder when you don't even have an address to give people. Sigh.

Of course, things could be so much worse. We could be renting an apartment and paying a mortgage, or worse, Craig and I could be living apart full-time, so I feel like a whiner for whining, but we need a home for our little family. It is exciting, wondering what lies ahead, but it is really starting to be time for things to start happening.

Maybe this is it? The people are coming to look at 12:30. By 5:00 we could have an offer. Hypothetically.

We have a Broker's Open Thursday too.

Wish us luck?

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Luck! Luck! Luck! Luck! Luck! Hoping this is it!!!